Leeds Survivor-Led Crisis Service (LSLCS) are part of a network of mental health services in Leeds. We liaise with and undertake joint work with other services, while maintaining our identity as an innovative, service user led voluntary sector organisation. We offer a range of tailored services to provide support and advice for people in crisis. We offer both face-to-face support and remote support via our helplines. We also run daytime peer support groups throughout the week.
Face-to-face services
- Dial House
- Dial House @Touchstone, for people from culturally diverse backgrounds
- Safe Zone, for young people
- Leeds Suicide Bereavement Service
- Here For You (formerly the Well-Bean Cafe)
- Leeds OASIS Crisis House
Peer Support Groups
- Sisterhood, for BAME women
- Deaf group
- Positive Changes
- Unique Minds, for BAME men
- LGBT+ and Trans & Non-binary groups
- Hearing Voices group
Leeds Survivor-Led Crisis Service has a commitment to volunteering. We see this as an essential part of our philosophy, in supporting people who have had mental health problems in their recovery. Many of our volunteers have had time out of work, and some have never worked, due to mental distress and we are proud of the fact that over half our paid staff started here as volunteers. Additionally, people who are beginning a career in counselling, social care or psychology often find volunteering here particularly helpful in providing them with some practical experience to support their study. If you’re interested in finding out more about how you can support our valuable work, please explore the following links: