LGBT+ Group
Runs every Friday, 11am–2pm, from Dial House.
This group is for anyone in the LGBT+ community, including (but not limited to) people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, non-binary, asexual, intersex or are questioning their identity. We are a safe, supportive space where you can share your thoughts and feelings and discuss coping strategies, alongside other LGBT+ people. We look at issues around being LGBT+, as well as general mental health issues and how we can work with them.
This group is peer-led so everyone who attends identifies as LGBT+, including volunteers and group workers.
Update 2 Aug 24 – This group is now paused whilst we conclude our group work review and assess options for facilitators for the group. If you have any queries regarding the group please email Simon Richardson
Trans/Non-Binary Group
Runs every third Monday 2–4pm, in conjunction with Gender Outreach. Runs from MESMAC at 22-23 Blayds Yard, LS1 4AD.
This group is for anyone who identifies as transgender, or has identified as transgender in the past. This includes non-binary people and anyone questioning their gender identity. We offer a therapeutic, relaxed, non-judgemental space where you can discuss the difficulties you’re facing and explore coping strategies. This group is peer-led so everyone who attends identifies as trans or non-binary, and is led by trans and non-binary workers.
The group we help run is the first part of a trans wellbeing day at MESMAC, followed by a trans sexual health clinic and a social group in the evening. Contact the Gender Outreach Team on or 0800 183 1486 for more information.
Further information
The LGBT+ groups are also an opportunity to socialise, and we like to go for the occasional group outing too, for coffee or to attend a local workshop or similar. This is an opportunity for people who may not otherwise feel able or confident to make these kind of trips due to discrimination and/or mental health problems, to do so with a supportive group.
Any LGBT+ person who feels that attending the groups would be beneficial to their mental health is welcome to attend. We work a lot with people who are in crisis and are able to offer support in this area, but you don’t have to be at crisis point to access our group work. Before attending groups for the first time you will be invited to meet with a member of the group work team to go through what we can offer and our group work agreement.
For more information, or to find out about joining either or both of the groups, please contact Simon on 0113 260 9328 or via