Dial House mobile number is working
Hi all, I’m pleased to say it was an easy fix to get the mobile number up and running again so you can text 07922 249 452 from 6pm tonight if you need support. In the meantime, take a peek at the Dial House garden, a little overgrown but very relaxing none the less! from... Read More
Dial House mobile not working (again) this evening
Really sorry about this, last time it was a network change issue, this time we haven’t a clue. Please can you call or text our landline number 0113 260 9328, with your mobile number at the end of the text (something like “hi please can I have some support tonight, It’s Barry on 07922 249 452”)... Read More
Black LGBT+ lives matter, here, today, now
Orange joined Leeds Survivor Led Crisis Service last November as LGBT+ group worker and earlier this year became a Teen Connect Helpline Worker when we expanded the opening hours of that service, and shares some thoughts and feelings around being a proud part of a community, the intersection of race, gender, and sexuality with mental... Read More
Changes to Dial House during lockdown
Dial House, the Leeds voluntary sector Crisis Service is open 6pm – 2am on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. During the COVID-19 lockdown, our non-medical, holistic place of sanctuary is not seeing people in person, like many other services. So, to accommodate the needs of people in crisis, we are making two significant changes... Read More
Safe Zone launches!
Hey everyone, we have some amazing news for you! In collaboration with The Market Place we are offering a face-to-face crisis support service for 11–17 year-olds in Leeds. The Market Place have been successfully running this as a pilot programme every Monday. Now we’re joining in with the action and together we’re taking it to... Read More
Dial House providing video support and phone support from 6pm – 2am
Hi everyone, in these locked-down times Dial House is now providing face-to-face support via Zoom and conventional phone support via… the phone. Zoom is like FaceTime or Skype, but it’s better set up for business use. You can get it from the App Store/Play Store for your phone or tablet or use it on a... Read More
18/03 coronavirus update: Dial House @Touchstone
Following government guidelines, the decision has been taken to move all visitors to Dial House @Touchstone to phone support from Thursday 19th March. This is not a decision we take lightly but is there to protect people’s physical health while still being able to deliver crisis support to people from a BAME background.
17/03 Coronavirus update: impact on LSLCS services
The coronavirus pandemic is getting everyone worried, both for their physical and mental health. We want to ensure that we are still providing a service to the people of Leeds during this incredibly trying time and have been examining how we can best provide services without compromising people’s physical health. We’ve outlined the following changes... Read More