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Board of trustees

Board of trustees

Charity trustees are volunteers who give up their time to help direct the overall strategy of a charity or non-profit organisation, linking in with the CEO and other directors to pass on the strategic view to the staff that will implement it. Our trustees will also make sure to attend some of the staff training sessions and meetings, and shadow shifts to make sure they see LSLCS in action.

Paul Tapper

I’m Paul and I’m the chair of the board of trustees for LSLCS. This involves me running the trustee meetings where we review policies and strategic decisions, having regular meetings with the CEO Emma, thinking about how to develop the board of trustees and improve our usefulness to the charity, and being involved in occasional formal processes. 
I was first introduced to LSLCS by a friend who knew they were looking for trustees with IT experience. I really appreciate the person-centred and survivor-led ethos of LSLCS. Remembering that we have or have had our own mental health challenges helps us to be empathetic towards our visitors, callers and other users. My day job is running a small indie VR game development studio. I relax and manage my well being with dog walks in the park, cooking while listening to music and yoga.

Andy Bagley

I’m Andy and I’ve been a member of the LSLCS Board since 2019; I’m also on the Finance and Quality sub-committees. Professionally I’m now retired but I used to be a freelance consultant, helping charities to understand and demonstrate the value of their work from different viewpoints. I first met LSLCS in 2010 and carried out two full evaluations for the organisation. After I retired I wanted to continue supporting LSLCS, because I was hugely impressed with its ethos and values, and with the importance of its work to people in crisis.

Although much of my current role with LSLCS involves data and finance, I’m very conscious that the organisation is really about people, and I most enjoy meeting staff and visitors to experience how LSLCS works in practice. In my free time I enjoy playing chess and many other board games, but it’s my outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and playing golf very badly, that keep me fit and really benefit my well-being.

Hannah Potter


My name is Hannah and as part of my role on the board I sit on the finance sub-committee. My journey to LSLCS started back in 2013 as a crisis volunteer. Although I now work in the NHS, I highly value the time I have spent with callers, visitors and staff at LSLCS. I have been fortunate to see how the service has developed over the years and am keen to continue showing my support.

The best part of my role is that I get to hear feedback about different parts of the service and spend time considering what resources are needed to make the good stuff happen. I like that LSLCS offers a different approach to statutory services and feel the survivor-led ethos is an important part of this. Outside of LSLCS I like spending time in the outdoors and have lots of hobbies like walking, climbing, and biking. Being in green spaces (or white snowy ones!) helps me reset so I try to get outside when I can.

Hafsa Sattar

I’m Hafsa and I’m a member of the board and part of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion sub-group which focuses on promoting a culture of inclusion across LSLCS. I have a background in mental health nursing and have been a young carer for an immediate family member. The survivor-led ethos of LSLCS is what drew me to joining the board, I have first-hand experience of the positive impact of survivor-led work.

I enjoy that I can have such an integral part and voice in how the service operates while bringing a different perspective. As well as this, I also enjoy spending time outdoors (weather permitting!), especially exploring new routes and areas. I have always loved cats and like to spend time with mine, there’s nothing more relaxing than a cosy night in to relax and recharge.

Sharon Prince


Hello I’m Sharon, and I am a newly-appointed trustee to the board. My day job is Deputy Director for Psychological Professions in Leeds & York Partnerships NHS Foundation Trust, which means I provide leadership and support for the psychological therapists and psychologists within the mental health trust. But to be fair, I don’t do that all by myself!

I have a long history with LSLCS and have worked in partnership with the organisation for many years. I jumped at the chance to become a trustee because of this relationship and my respect and admiration for their work, influenced by the strong survivor-led ethos. I am a keen open water swimmer, and during the pandemic discovered yoga, which I now practice every day. These activities, alongside regular walks in the countryside, help with my mental well-being.

Helen Kemp

I’m Helen and I have been a trustee and the treasurer at LSLCS for over seven years. As treasurer I liaise closely with Scott (finance director) to understand the budgets and cash flow and ensure that we are using all financial resources effectively. Over my time at LSLCS we have grown from income of under £1m to around £3m today and it has been great to be part of that journey and see the number of people we support increase.
I am an accountant by background and I have worked in the voluntary sector for over twenty years, most recently as Chief Executive of Leeds Mind before retiring last year. I feel privileged to be able to use my skills to work with LSLCS, the survivor-led ethos is still remains at the heart of what we do. In my spare time I enjoy walking my cockapoo, Bella, and being outside which helps to keep me positive and well. I also like the theatre, reading and spending time with family and friends.